Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Saw 3, Masters of Horror, and Slither.

Hey folks it's me again, your role model. The future of society and the reason for the internet. The Saint. I want to first start off with a sour note folks.

Masters of Horror. I had high hopes for this one and was severly let down. There are major spoilers up ahead so if you haven't seen it for yourself and are planning on seeing it, stop reading right........NOW. Otherwise, I just want to tell you Tobe needs to stop riding on the coat tails of Texas Chainsaw Massacre. First there was the toolbox murders, which was ok. Nothing special though. Then there was Dance of the Dead. Tobe's episode on last months Masters of Horror, and now he has this piece of trash. Ok let me be fair for a minute the movie started out good and tense, I mean to see somebody get utterly dimemboweled by an unseen entity is pretty damn cool, and there were a couple of gory moments after that. This was all it had though, besides potential. It has the start of atmosphere kinda like a cross between In the Mouth of Madness, and ended like The Shining. Sounds good so far right? Well what we had at the very end was a ending that was the equivalent of the last half of Jeepers Creepers. The movie ended with a giant cheap cgi oil monster tossing the Sherriff in the air and eating him. Very retarded. And next week looks to be a horror version of The Burbs. *sigh* Not looking good campers.

That was the low light. Now for the Highlight. Saw 3. What else can I say but I thought this was awesome and did a nice job rounding out the series and bringing things full circle. Besides the typical setup at the end but, I am not going to give away too many details and leave you to find out for yourself. Needless to say the gore was all there and some very creative traps and kills. The traps themselves part of the end too. Just watch it and you will see what I am talking. Once again Tobin Bell reprised the role of Jigsaw perfectly and to a tee, almost seems like it was the role he was born to play. Shawnee Smith was back as Amanda, and whatever questions one was left with by the end of 3 they are all answered in detail. It could have been the perfect end to close out the series which they didn't do. Makes me feel like there may be an alternative ending. So if the new crew comes through and rapes the franchise, just don't see past the first three. Kinda like Star Wars. Go see it. It was well worth the price of admission and perhaps my top horror pic of the year.

Slither...I have to admit that at first when this movie was released I was apprehensive. I just didn't know about it, but as reviews started to roll in...I wanted to see this movie more and more. Our local theater didn't get it unfortunatly so I was forced to wait for it on DVD and MAN am I glad I did. Let me just say this is not your usual dread and feel like crap horror movie. This movie is one that sets out to entertain and let me tell you that it does, you will yourself laughing, cheering, and just going what the hell. Some of the dialogue that was written just had me rolling. Don't get me wrong this isn't in line with your trauma movies, not cheese for cheese sake. I believe when James Gunn helmed this movie he was looking to entertain nothing more nothing less. And he hit the mark. The characters are actually pretty real, if not over the top at moments. We are introduced to the mayor at the beginnning (and my favorite character of them all). The creature was done well the story line works. The plot moves along nicely. Check this movie out, I say buy it! Because I bet you will watch it again and again.

No game reviews this week, check back next week though for my reviews of Marvel Ultimate Alliance and this weeks Masters of Horror.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

DVD's, Games, and at the Theater

Movies, now one thing I love is a real good horror movie and one thing I have is limited funds argh descisions, descisions...right now Rest Stop, Slither, and Feast are all out on DVD and they all look pretty damn good to me. I only have money for one though! Life is not fair! I mean dude come on give me a break they have all scored good on the rating scale okay Rest Stop I am not sure about I haven't read any reviews of it, but I Slither and Feast are both worth contenders and right now I am leaning toward Slither. I really wanted to see this little big budget B movie gem when it came out in the theater but none the less our theater was a douchbag and didn't get it. I wanted to support this movie as well, and unfortunatly it didn't get the box office sales that it should been which leaves me to say.

Horror fans you have to support the good R rated horror flicks that come out and stop wasting your money on PG-13 trash like the Grudge. You are feeding the shit cycle!

With that said, Feast also looks good it is supposed to be a total bloodbath and that is what I like to see a movie that pulls no punches and makes no excuses it is a bloodbath for the sake of being a bloodbath and being excessive and the storyline reminds me of a little gem called "Dusk before Dawn." not the shitty sequels either. The first one is quality.

Games...well here is the dish on that. From the intel I have gathered thus far. Bully...the main character is bisexual and there are seens where he is kissing other dudes. No thanks I will pass on this came, call me a homophobe, call me a hatemonger. I just don't care to see two dudes kissing. That's the bottom line, why Rockstar would do this is totally retarded in my opinion what is the point. Maybe they were thinking "Oh lets make a gay game!"

Splinter Cell: Double Agent - This game does sound tight from what I read you make choices as to which faction you go with the extreme homegrown terrorist faction, or good ol' Uncle Sam and it effects which of three endings you get at the end. The game was rated pretty highly at IGN, the only drawback is they say the game is only 10-12 hours long, of course they said that about Dead Rising too, but Dead Rising cheap...gosh that game pisses me off.

Gears of War...no intel yet on this one, stay tuned for my spill.

At the theaters....I recently went and watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Begginning and even though mainstream critics trashed it.(never trust mainstream critics btw, always go with horror critics). This movie was brutal man, if there was ever any proof that people could be pure wicked this is it. They had values but they were twisted beyond belief. Lots of blood, lots of gore and lots of violence. I can see why there wasn't many trailers released most of the movie was killing and I loved it. R. Lee Ermy owned the screen the same way he did in Full Metal Jacket with a top notch performance. Go see this one if you still can.

On the Horizon...stay tuned for a review of whichever DVD I buy, and I am going to see Saw 3 this weekend. You should do the same.

Monday, October 16, 2006

State of Entertainment

I have to say I believe that Showtime is the Savior for Television the unfortunate part is that it costs me 13 bucks a months for this entertainment. They have hit right on the spot and their shows are top notch. If you are like me, and had one choice of one premium channel to get it would be Showtime. Now don't confuse me for some corporate whore who goes out parading their wares. I am not trust me. Let me just run it down quick for you.

White Boyz in the Hood - This is edgy comedy that really pushed the envelope I have watched the first two episodes and the comics on here are top notch. Their comedy is pretty gritty, uncensored and right in your face. I have this one TiVo'ed and I sometimes watch it two or three times in a row. Really funny stuff, my friends love it to. They don't have Showtime so they always get me to record it and leave it on the TiVo until they get a chance to get around to it. If you have Showtime and you like Comedy, and you aren't one those PC stuck up super lame noobs I would really recommend you catch this, It's usually on Thursday night right after Damon Wayan's Underground...which leads me too.

The Underground - This is where not being a corporate whore comes into play. Let me first say this show still has to prove itself to me. I was a big fan of In Living Color back in the 90's absolutely loved it. But the supporting cast was stellar. The supporting cast here is not so stellar, They got this white chick who is more annoying than Kelly Coffield was on in living color, and the token white guys don't have anywhere near the talent that Jim Carey did, but I don't have anything else to watch around that time and it's ok, just not spectacular maybe it will prove itself to be better as time goes on.

Dexter - Now this is where it shines, I have only seen one episode of Dexter and I am hooked, if you like things like Silence of the Lambs and serial killer sorta of suspense movies this is the one for you. The cast seems pretty solid and the writing is quite good. The story line is a little different as well I can't say too much without giving the show away and watching it unfold I am not sure how long they are stringing this out but it is well worth it. The characters are vibrant and life like and the use of internal struggle, pretty sweet.

As for Weeds I have a couple more episodes TiVo'ed and ready to go on that I haven't caught up yet.

Now there are a couple other shows that friends have recommended to me as well and a couple of my own recommendations.

First off..

Lost - This is my pick, now the problem with lost being is that this is a continious running plot from Day 1. The show has already aired for two seasons and if you kinda drop in now you will pretty much have no damn clue what is going on unless, you spend some QT with season 1 and 2 on DVD which I say is worth it, beyond worth it actually. I am a sucker for back story and every character has one it is intricate and running right along with the plot, good stuff.

Masters of Horror - Now I would have to say last season sat kind of lukewarm for me with the exception of two very well done episodes, Incident On and Off a Mountain Road, and Cigarette Burns. Both of these episodes were phenominal! I was watching it and going hell yeah this is horror these two should be full length movies. Incident was like some cracked out TCM I guess I dunno, TCM Jeepers Creepers kinda thing. and Burns hell yeah this thing was awesome like a mixture of 8mm, Angel Heart, and Hellraiser all wrapped into one. I have read through the plotlines for this season and they seem impressive I will fire that review at you when I get a chance.

Friends recommendations...

Greys Anatomy (Girlfriend) Prison Break(My friend Colt) and Sleeper Cell(My older bro.)

But who really has a place to talk about entertainment without mentioning gaming....lately I have been spending time doing two things either playing WoW or Xbox. Now I haven't got a big sampling on many of the newer Xbox360 games but this is what I have dug my teeth into.

Dead Rising - I would say I started out with a higher rating on this game probably about a 4 out of 5, recently though I have dropped it back to 3 out of 5, for one the time limits are retarded, for a game that is trying to be a Sandbox game, one it forces you to adapt a linear playstyle when the game mechanics don't cater to it, I.E. the best way to get xp is to have people join you and rescue them, what they fail to tell you is there are asshole convicts waiting outside ready to fucking destroy you. I really hate those bastards of course I have read that you can kill them, and it takes alot of firepower to do so.

Also some games that I think look interesting maybe I could get some input.

Gears of War(not out yet), Bully(not sure if it is out yet), and Splinter Cell 4(I think?).